This is the Zodiac speaking...
Toady at 10:40 A.M. Trevor James Evans Arrived into this world.
Angie gave birth to a beautiful 8 pound 14 ounce boy .
James is now the happiest man in the world. Congradulations Bro.
(You are now out numbered by your children.)
Red and I arrived at the hospital kinda late, Angie was very tired, and everyone had gone home... Red was thrilled to see he was a REDHEAD! Just like Auntie Red and Grampa Billie!
So we took a few pictures and a tiny bit of video ....the light wasnt very good in the hospital room....so I may need to touch up these pix later. I'll upload some of them now though so you all can see the latest Evans.
The one who will carry on the name.
Good words.